Monday, September 27, 2010

Giving Back...

So as I was sitting in Ethics class today, having an ethical debate on Euthanasia, something caught me off guard. This was perhaps something I've thought many times before, but never struck me as much as it did today for some reason, so I thought I would share it with you. I am not for active Euthanasia in any circumstance because of my religion, and am on the fence about passive Euthanasia. This brought about a question in my mind about health care. The article that our class read said that letting someone die was just as bad as killing someone, passive vs. active Euthanasia. This struck me, because I agreed that in many cases letting someone die could be just as bad as killing someone. This being said, I've always disagreed with National Health Care, even though one of their main arguments is that people should not die because they don't have enough money to pay for their health care.

It is obvious to me that National Health Care can not work for one simple reason, our country cannot afford it, simple as that. There should be no other arguments made in favor or against National Health Care debating the issue, because without the funds, it simply cannot sustain itself. I agree with the rational of the National Health Care activists, but I think there are other ways to achieve the same goal, perhaps more effectively. I believe that if the government wasn't forcing millions of taxpayers to give their money to a system that many of them didn't believe was working properly, they would be more willing to give their money to local people in need. I feel that communities would help out more, and the people that really needed money would be more likely to receive it.

On a side note: This may seem off topic from my normal blog article...but as someone looking for mental, spiritual and physical health, I believe I am searching for my way to help people, and with this idea it occurred to me that I should be doing more to help others. I started thinking about the importance of touching other peoples' lives in any way possible. I believe this can be very therapeutic for someone suffering from a mental or physical illness. Even though I don't agree with National Health Care, I do agree that people need help, and it is extremely important to find time to help them, because you never know when you will need others' help....

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