Monday, April 11, 2011


Ever since the beginning of my eating disorder, psychologists have been advising me to go on antidepressants. For many years I was completely against this idea, even though I lived with constant depression accompanied by my obsessions/compulsions related to my body image. It was not until several years into my eating disorder that I finally decided to try some of these 'wonder drugs'. Luckily enough for me, I was seeing a psychiatrist who was in full control of prescribing these medications to me (as oppose to a general practitioner). She was great about finding a medication that would work 'for' my eating disorder, instead of against it. This included finding a medication that would not cause massive weight gain. I started out on an SSRI, then changed to another....only to find these medications made me feel spacey and out of it. After failing on a few medications I tried Wellbutrin, loved it! It gave me energy and helped me lose weight, which only added to my obsessive thinking (I'm not sure it did what it was actually supposed to). After some time on Wellbutrin, I unfortunately had a seizure, which has been attributed to the medication. Although a rare side effect, it is still real, and happened to me.  I was taken off this drug immediately, and the search began for something to replace it. Wellbutrin was in a class all its own, so my psychiatrist consulted with me and I decided to try Topamax.

 Topamax is used to treat epilepsy, migraines and mood regulation (off label use). It seemed like a wonder drug, because I needed mood regulation, I had frequent migraines and it just happened to have the bonus side effect of dramatic weight loss. It seemed too good to be true, and you know what that usually means. I lost around 10 lbs. on Topamax before my weight leveled off, but even more dramatic was that it seemed to raise my metabolism. I could eat more than I had previously, and still maintain my lower weight. I think I was so enthralled by the weight loss effect, that I failed to care or even notice all of the other side effects I was having. I've been on Topamax for a few years now, and I've noticed dramatic fatigue, spaciness, memory problems and and a general feeling of not caring about anything. Dopamax is known for these kinds of symptoms, and because of this has been nicknamed dopamax or stupimax on numerous forums and blogs.

These many symptoms finally prompted me to take my health into my own hands. After I started healing my body by changing my diet, I decided that this medication would have to go if I wanted to feel my best. My first thought was sheer panic! All I could think was what would happen to my body if I stopped taking my 'diet' medication, would I get fat? After failing several times to quit Topamax, I finally researched the medication extensively to see if I could find a way to quit successfully without gaining weight. The results of my search were not promising, nearly everyone I read about gained all the weight they lost back when they quit. One person mentioned that the medication should be tapered very slowly, and the body will adjust better. I decided to try this method, instead of going cold turkey as I had done in the past, and in conjunction with my extremely healthy diet, I had hopes that I could quit Topamax successfully without weight gain.

I started out tapering from 100mg to 75mg, and stayed there for a week or two. My weight stayed stable, so I brought myself down to 50mg. This is where I am currently, and my weight has not changed. I think this method may actually prove successful. I am already feeling less fatigue and spaciness, I have hopes of being off Topamax completely in the coming month!    

I do not endorse discontinuing medications; if you wish to do so consult a physician first. This information is not intended to treat or diagnose.

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