Thursday, September 29, 2011

Update on Nizoral Acne/Rosacea Treatment

Hey guys! I just wanted to post an update on how my skin has been doing since I started using Nizoral. I have been using it twice daily (leaving it on for 3 minutes in the shower) for almost a week now and I have already seen significant results. My skin has cleared dramatically, and I even think the redness on my face has reduced slightly. I am amazed so far with it! I would totally recommend trying it! I have been using a 1% formula, but some formulas are 2% Nizoral. If you get a 2% formula, I would recommend trying it once a day so you can see how your skin reacts to it. Good luck everyone, and hope this helps you as much as it has been helping me! I will keep you posted.

Nizoral Dandruff Shampoo , up to 3 Months Treatment , TWIN PACK of 60ml Bottles

1 comment:

  1. I have just started using Nizoral myself for my acne I bought mine from Boots. I have only used it for 3 days but I can see a difference already my skin is starting to heal up.
    I rubbed the lotion in and leave for about 5 mins you can feel your skin tightening up then wash it off.
    Best Acne Products
