After I went off Topamax, which has a weight loss side effect, I experienced rapid weight gain soon after. This was very difficult considering I was maintaining the same diet and working out more. I started to wonder what could cause such rapid weight gain, and came up with a few ideas that seemed fairly legitimate. My first idea was water retention. This can cause weight gain at a very fast rate, but can usually be combated with a healthy diet, exercise and making sure you are drinking enough water. My next thought was metabolism. Since I figured there was little I could do to speed up my metabolism that I wasn't already doing, I continued to to eat healthy and exercise at least 4 times per week. My next thought was that perhaps my thyroid was affected in one way or another. I started researching different ways to help increase or regulate thyroid function, and I came up with a few things that I think have helped me to halt and possibly reverse my weight gain.
First, I began taking iodine, because I read that a deficiency can lead to hypothyroidism. I also decided to take two other supplements called Thyroid Complex (a product of Mediherb) and Thytrophin PMG (a product of standard process). Both are meant to help support the thyroid and help it to function at a normal rate. Neither of these products have Thyroxine in them, which is used in pharmaceutical medicines to increase thyroid. I would recommend all three of these things because they are natural, and work to help your body improve itself instead of teaching it to rely on medicine.
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